Russ Miller & The Jazz Orchestra is a jazz big band combined with a 16 voice choral ensemble. They will be performing an original work, Suite Justice: A Jazz Setting of the Beatitudes, which is an eight movement suite. The music is influenced by some of the most prominent jazz artists of our time – Herbie Hancock, Oliver Nelson, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, John Coltrane, as well as the music of J.S. Bach and others.
Suite Justice: A Jazz Setting of the Beatitudes for Big Band and Chorus is an eight movement suite wherein the text of the Beatitudes from the New Testament has been set to music. Each movement is presented in a different style depending on the rhythm and melodic shape of the text. The movements are titled: Poor in Spirit, Those Who Mourn, The Meek, Hunger and Thirst, The Merciful, Pure Heart, The Peacemakers, and The Persecuted. In addition to the big band and choir performing both separately and together, the piece features vocal soloists and instrumental jazz soloists.