<svg class="herion-back-to-top"><g><line x2="227.62" y1="31.28" y2="31.28"></line><polyline points="222.62 25.78 228.12 31.28 222.62 36.78"></polyline><circle cx="224.67" cy="30.94" r="30.5" transform="rotate(180 224.67 30.94) scale(1, -1) translate(0, -61)"></circle></g></svg>

Updated Festival Footprint and Road Closures

As always, the Festival aims to provide a fun and lively, but also very safe environment for Festival-goers, artists and staff, while also remaining respectful to the needs of the business district, residents and others passing through the city. Please see the embedded map showcasing the entire footprint of the 39th Annual Detroit Jazz Festival presented by Quicken Loans. We ask that you pay special attention to specific street closures and note that Larned Street, which has been closed in past years, will remain open throughout the holiday weekend.

We wish all of you a safe and jazzy Labor Day weekend!

[vc_btn title=”Download PDF” style=”custom” custom_background=”#b70050″ custom_text=”#ffffff” size=”lg” align=”left” i_align=”right” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-download” add_icon=”true” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.detroitjazzfest.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F08%2Fdetroitjazzfestorg-jazz-closures-2018-ap-edits-2.pdf||target:%20_blank|”]

Stay Tuned

(313) 469-6564

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For over 40 years, the Detroit Jazz Festival Foundation has celebrated Detroit’s rich history of jazz music by providing year-round concerts and educational programming, and of course, organizing the world’s largest free Jazz festival, featuring world-class talent, over Labor Day weekend.

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